This article is more than 1 year old

Twitter update: @regsecurity – The Reg bags imposter

It's ours, all ours ...

After a flurry of activity, we have gained control of @elreg, a Twitter fan feed with about 5,000 followers. Thank you, Adam Wood, for looking after that for us. We have also gained @theregister and @regsecurity after filing trademark abuse reports with Twitter. Thank you, Twitter.

@theregister was a moribund RSS-to-Twitter feed that stopped working in 2009, with about 2,500 followers.

@regsecurity is another RSS-to-Twitter feed, but very active. And this bugged us a lot. Whoever operated the account masqueraded as us, used our vulture logo, quoted our location and, worse, followed almost 2,000 people. In return it was followed by more than 6,000 people.

Anyway, @regsecurity is now ours, and you will have to sign up again, we're afraid. Like its doppelganger, this points to our security news. But no pretences this time – and we might even reply to comments on this feed.

As for @regvulture, @theregister and @elreg – they are all pointing to the same RSS-to-Twitter feed until we figure out what goes where.

All suggestions welcome. ®

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