Three words to send a chill down your spine: Snowflake. Intrusion. Alert

And can AI save us from the scourge of malware? In theory, why not, but in practice ... Color us skeptical

Kettle For this week's Kettle episode, in which our journos as usual get together for an end-of-week chat about the news, it's security, security, security.

From more than 100 million people hit by the staggering AT&T Snowflake storage account intrusion, to the latest marketing claims of AI coming to save our systems from attacks, we've packed a decent amount into 15 minutes – and you can replay our discussion below.

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On this week's show we have Tobias Mann, Brandon Vigliarolo, The Register's cybersecurity editor Jessica Lyons, and your host Iain Thomson. The Kettle series producer is Nicole Hemsoth Prickett.

For those who like to listen rather than view, the Kettle is available via RSS and MP3, Apple, Amazon, and Spotify. Enjoy! ®

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